The past is the past and its entirely true with the only exception being that it isn't. The past is a rudder that propels us to the here and now, be it however misguided, cutting loose ones attention to thine own circular rowing has benefits that fall into the "Run Forest run!" category. Proponents of similar leanings say things like "Everything happens for a reason" with an upturned fish hook grin that hardly masks the scars behind their headlamps. With this quote, I am forced to agree wholeheartedly but the salt in the sauce is a fact that burns up snails of hope in your head. The "Reasons" the everything's are happening for, is a wake cut from the same barnacle addled rudder we have been dragging through the lake of the living since birth. By all means, Get Zen and focus. Make the efforts and shellack the hell out of the vessel you possess. Shout out the prayers of potential earnings in double time and put it all behind a big kick drum miked up close without a compressor. But please , please, don't shit a shitter. The intentions behind your actions equate the profile of someone running scared, and don't you know it calls the wolves in like the cry of a wounded deer. I grew up with Marlin Perkins God damn it! What the savanna calls for is a jeep with a sturdy top and a fast assistant to tease the wildlife. Well, driving a dull stick home I might feel the urge to say "its all good" and well... it is, when we distance ourselves enough from our natures, our past and the urges in the present to be free and clear of the pesky knowledge that allows us to repeat our mistakes "on purpose" if you will. I revel most glowingly in the predicaments of the deeply religious as they seem driven to misdeeds by invisible forces with the prepossessed look of bewilderment pasted to one of at least two faces. Fooling God is a hot, full time day job. We filled out the application during an old school vodka black out and we've been sweating it out in the wheelhouse of our non scientific souls with great effect ever since. Our minds play with a silicone putty called reason and it runs like the bar scene in The Shining. Phrases and quotations cascade through time like plaque in your aorta urging the willing masses to wander into the water like water buffalo crossing the muddy river. I think they know the water is full of crocs, they just put it in a mental perspective that relieves the brand of stress that knowledge puts on the mind. It wrinkles our foreheads and slows our knee jerk, instinctual, reaction times just enough to become lunch at some other interval. Hmm these things are a weight aren't they? And the grey areas of thought seem intent on ruining the view in spite of their maple syrup quality. how much is it worth? The aesthetics of life I mean. To be on the sidelines with a 44 ounce soda or fleeing on foot from a pack of wild hyenas or police or lawyers. You pick your battles man and we don't fool anybody when we deny our role in it all. The phrase to rule them all is, "you reap what you sow" a quote among quotes and an impenetrable bit of verbiage at that. Its the kind of thing grandpa says and it puts a creepy silence into an otherwise happening dinner party. The truth is heavy, like lead. No fun on long trips like the one sober guy at the bash. The all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill presents itself as some thing wholly other because we can't handle the truth. The sayings will persist like a necessarily marbled piece of our ancient RNA. Ease of use and flawless deny-ability clauses written right in there in bold type, no approval needed, no paper trail will ever exist. Thought processes like these are backed by the whole of human endeavor so come on in, the water is fine. I'm sure those crocs have all gone on holiday.
Honestly, B.