A walk in the woods// photo of Hobbit Camp by ((B.E.B.))
The forest is a system that truly works and it’s barely understood. The smug, the uninspired and the closed off dullards suffer from Stockholm syndrome with their captors running hot and greedy like a virus in your laptop with a sniffer program compiling weaknesses and circling the water hole. Replicate and move, a thousand times over. Divide and conquer, a million years and counting. Destroy, create and destroy in a vacuum of no choosing, my god man, the captors are us. The Twilight Zone and Soylent Green got hitched and had a province. Truth or consequences was always a great town, a great place to do business. The mayor is on the make and very interested in the movements of his own shadow. The chaotic thrashing in this opera is intolerable. You need to go outside. You have to go outside. It’s incredibly hot in here and the walls are closing in. What will it take to put a bit in the mouth of a river so wide as my raging life?
Any good construction worker will tell you, “We're working on it.”